Saturday, July 29, 2023

A shelter for our soul

 A shelter for our soul is a place we can go to when we need to hide from the world, feel safe and loved.  What is the shelter for your soul?

Thursday, March 9, 2023

The spiritual bridge


The spiritual  bridge over uncharted waters is ever free flowing and ever turbulent, glorious in its capacity to give reassurance and comfort for those who push out from the shore to meet the challenges and the blessings  the waters  bring.

A harbour for our burdened spirit


God is the harbour for our burdened  spirit .  He stills the waters of tribulation  by bringing  calm  to the troubled waters  through  his grace, forgiveness , peace and love.


Thursday, February 9, 2023

Garden of faith and hope



 When we are born, we  begin to nurture our garden of faith and hope with seeds planted, maturing slowly and making their way to the sun- resilient to the extreme weather, as we walk our daily sojourn with our Creator.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The ashes of sorrow


 The ashes of sorrow spread throughout our lives will in time lead to healing if we allow ourselves to forgive others, but ultimately forgive ourselves; thereby allowing us to  finally move forward.


Friday, December 9, 2022

Christmas thoughts


Christmas can be a challenging  time for  those who have lost loved ones and who mourn them.  But with God’s grace, we can move forward and begin to slowly enjoy the wonders and blessings that this season bestows and to remember that each day is indeed a gift.

Friday, November 4, 2022

The Wonders of November


The dark and dreary days of November can lead to the 

wondrous days of snow, the magic of Christmas, the  peaceful 

warmth of watching your favourite movies wrapped in your f

avorite  pajamas and  doing indoor activities you never have 

a chance to do in the days of spring, summer,  and fall, such as 

making home-made soup and jam.